December 16th and Sunday 17th December 2023...

We all met as usual outside Falmer station around 09:00, my train was late of course.  Lots of hugs and smiles as we worked out who was there under the hats and walking gear.  We don't walk far after starting, stopping at the Falmer farm shop for supplies and hot drinks from the caravan.  then the slog up the path to the South Downs Way, much better than before it was tarmacked.  We arrive at the trees and stop for a wee and more food, Ruth had made curried sausage rolls and I should have offered them around more as I had lots left over at the end of the walk.

The weather was disappointing as the forecast was dry and warm, it was wet and warm and for this walk we really don't want wet.  As usual it was a mad rush to get to the Abergavenny Arms for lunch and as usual we managed to find tables and chairs for everyone.  The staff are amazing there, no dramas, just good food and attentive ladies bringing us our food.  I was a bit concerned that Michael wasn't ok as he said he may not eat!  Luckily, towards the end, I found him devouring a huge plate of chicken & chips so all was good! 

I was trying to hurry us all out as I'm always worried we will be late for the Singing Kettle tea room in Alfriston but it never works and we left there about 13:45 to head to Southease church for the group photograph and the ridiculous marble bollocks in the church.

No surprises at Beddingham Hill, us oldies curse it while the youngsters shoot up there without a thought.  It was about 15:00 by the time we left the top to trudge the long way to Alfriston, it was wet and cold but lighter than usual and I didn't need a torch until I got to the gate at the chalky crossroads.  I did a left and went down the steep slippery slope that saves about five minutes, arriving at the tea room about 17:00 so I was pleased with that.  Jo and her team did their usual wonderful thing and provided the most amazing tea cakes and tea.  Mine and Ruth's artworks were on the walls which is quite funny considering how long we've been coming here.

We made our way to the Deans Place Hotel and luckily the private room was empty so we claimed it and were joined by Kathy and her friends.  We had food and drinks and it was a long time before the carol singing started and then it went on for hours and really did sound awful, especially if you were at the bar outside.  I felt guilty as it all went on until nearly midnight and the staff wanted to pack up and go home.

Only Smoth and myself were camping and I had left my tent and sleeping bag at the cottage Michael and Lycia had booked so we collected that and set the tent up in the normal place but away from the water pumps going 24/7 to pump the flood water back into the Cuckmere.  We slept ok, it was milder than usual and with just one bladder release required.

We met Michael at about 09:00 in Waterloo Square and walked about admiring the early soft sunshine on the beautiful old houses.  Jo ushered us into the the Singing Kettle for breakfast and her and the girls worked a Christmas miracle by bringing out about 15 full English fry ups from that tiny kitchen!  I can't recommend the tea room enough and we are so lucky Jo and Joy take us in every year.  Ian and Cassia and Mark and Aoife had driven all the way back over for brekkie, brilliant effort.  Ruth arrived to collect me and she brought Sybil the velociraptor with her!  We dropped Smoth at Polegate to catch a rail replacement bus and that was that - all over for another year...

Walkers: Michael, Isabelle, James, Phoebe and Countess Lycia Bish, Cassia, Penelope, Phillip, Ann and Lydia Bish, Mark, Aoife and Rosin Odlum, Smoth (Michael Smith), Jeremy and wife (name please)! Clive, Simon, Matt, Bob and George Adams, Ian joined us where he could.  You'll have to help me out for surnames and anyone I've missed... 

Mark grabbing Ruth's sausage rolls...
Lydia having zip trouble...
Southease church...
Marble madness...
Bob's brilliant self timer.
Ian met us at Firle Beacon.
So much crockery in the Singing Kettle...
There's plenty of Michael to go round!
Myself and Smoth's campsite...

There's four ladies in there!
The youngsters...
